As we age, our skin undergoes various changes. It produces less oil, becoming drier and thinner. Reduced blood circulation and weakened immunity make seniors more susceptible to infections and slower healing. These factors contribute to common skin problems in the elderly, such as:
Thin, fragile skin: Easily bruised and torn.
Dry, itchy skin: Discomfort and irritation from age-related dryness or improper skincare.
Skin infections: Folds and creases, like under the breasts or in obese individuals, are prone to fungal and bacterial infections.
Fungal infections: Common in nails and toe webs.
Skin conditions related to chronic diseases: Itching from blood pressure medication, rashes, and slow-healing wounds in diabetic patients.
Benign skin growths: Sunspots and skin tags.
Skin cancer: Requires prompt medical attention.
Caring for seniors' skin:
Moisturizing: Use gentle, fragrance-free lotions to hydrate the skin.
Gentle cleansing: Avoid harsh soaps and hot water, which can dry the skin.
Sun protection: Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to prevent sun damage.
Regular checkups: Consult a dermatologist for skin checks and early detection of any concerns.
Saranrom Nursing Home: We provide comprehensive care for seniors, including skincare. Our trained caregivers assist with bathing, moisturizing, and other skincare routines. We also offer:
Nutritional counseling: To ensure seniors receive adequate nutrients for healthy skin.
Wound care: For seniors with chronic wounds or skin infections.
Education: We provide information and resources on skincare for seniors and their caregivers.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your loved ones maintain healthy skin.
Together, we can help seniors live a healthy and comfortable life.